Highway engineering[edit]
Main article: Highway engineering
Engineers in this specialization:
- Handle the planning, design, construction, and operation of highways, roads, and other vehicular facilities as well as their related bicycle and pedestrian realms.
- Estimate the transportation needs of the public and then secure the funding for the project.
- Analyze locations of high traffic volumes and high collisions for safety and capacity.
- Use civil engineering principles to improve the transportation system.
- Utilizes the three design controls which are the drivers, the vehicles, and the roadways themselves.
Railroad engineering[edit]
Main article: Railway systems engineering
Railway engineers handle the design, construction, and operation of railroads and mass transit systems that use a fixed guideway (such as light rail or even monorails). Typical tasks would include determining horizontal and vertical alignment design, station location and design, and construction cost estimating. Railroad engineers can also move into the specialized field of train dispatching which focuses on train movement control.
Railway engineers also work to build a cleaner and safer transportation network by reinvesting and revitalizing the rail system to meet future demands. In the United States, railway engineers work with elected officials in Washington, D.C. on rail transportation issues to make sure that the rail system meets the country's transportation needs.[3]
Port and harbor engineering[edit]
Port and harbor engineers handle the design, construction, and operation of ports, harbors, canals, and other maritime facilities. This is not to be confused with marine engineering.
Airport engineering[edit]
Airport engineers design and construct airports. Airport engineers must account for the impacts and demands of aircraft in their design of airport facilities. These engineers must use the analysis of predominant wind direction to determine runway orientation, determine the size of runway border and safety areas, different wing tip to wing tip clearances for all gates and must designate the clear zones in the entire.
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0exinrat_pe Luke Muller DesignCAD 3D Max
Pinnacle Studio